In the past I’ve given some pretty harsh criticism to other MMO games. They deserved it. Today I’m going to do something I’ve never done before – recommend a MMO.Warhammer Online (WAR) is the kind of game that your wife or girlfriend will make fun of you for playing. It’s a D&D style dorkfest that is as much a guilty pleasure as it is addictive to play. WAR puts you in the tried and true medieval era world that MMO fans have come to love and feel comfortable in. Elves and knights are here, and so are witches and dwarves. Orcs are present and there still aren’t enough people playing as healers. As for the story and enviroment, there is very little here that you haven’t seen before. The difference is that it is all done as well or a little better than before, and it just works.Unlike other recent MMO titles (Tabula Rasa, I’m talking...