
An Adobe Photoshop that doesn’t work with Photoshop documents?

By on Apr 1, 2008 in Blog Posts, Software | 0 comments

Adobe Photoshop Express blows. It doesn’t really allow you to do anything that Google’s Picasa doesn’t do better, and it won’t even allow you to upload PSD files (Photoshop Documents)! Way to go Adobe – any other good names you’d like to kill off? You’ve already buried Macromedia…P.S – You can’t edit GIF, PNG, or TIFF images either – only JPG’s are supported. Wow.

Vista and Remote Desktop Connection are Not Friends

By on Sep 6, 2007 in Blog Posts, Software | 0 comments

After much pain and suffering I’ve finally figured out why Windows Vista wouldn’t let me connect via Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) – dual monitors.I discovered this after hours of troubleshooting. At first when I tried to connect using RDP I would see the Welcome screen and then it would turn black. Some research pointed to Aero being the cause of this, but I had no way of disabling it remotely because I couldn’t access my computer! Then I remembered that I could use DameWare Mini Remote Control to remotely access my computer using the RDP protocol. Since DameWare uses the same protocol I still couldn’t control the computer, but after opening some ports on my firewall I was able to push the DameWare remote control client to the computer and use it to remote control the machine. Finally, I was able to disable Aero and try RDP again. I was able to see a...

Goodbye PCLinuxOS – Hello openSUSE!

By on Feb 7, 2007 in Blog Posts, Software | 0 comments

After years of pimping out PCLinuxOS to my nerdy friends I am now officially bringing out a new girl. Her name is openSUSE, and although I’ve talked about her in the past, she is now here to stay.I was a big fan of PCLOS. They had a great community and a rapid development cycle – two vital features of a Linux distribution. Now the community has turned into a dark circle of high level Linux users who attack users with questions and are too quick to tell you to Google for answers. E-Mails to the developers now go unanswered, and they took FAR too long to release the beta of the new edition, PCLinuxOS 2007 Test Release 1 (over four months, without a word as to the cause of the delay or the release date). Not only that, but for several months they disabled updates via Synaptic (the automatic updating program used in PCLinuxOS .93), which essentially forced you to manually...

Linux Madness

By on Mar 10, 2006 in Blog Posts, Software | 0 comments

Ahhhhh!!!! My PCLinuxOS server crashed (peace out Maxtor hard drive), and so I went about attempting to recover the data. It took me almost 4 days of off and on troubleshooting but I am proud to announce that all of the data has been recovered. That was thanks to OpenSUSE 10.1 Beta 6 and it’s robust set of module and drivers. Unfortunately OpenSUSE is not as user friendly or package complete as PCLinuxOS .92 so I’m currently working on re-installing that. I say working on it because I’m getting a lame Kernel panic error that I’m trudging through at the moment.During these events I tried the most current release of the popular Linux distro, Ubuntu 5.10. Color me not impressed. There are to many issues to list, but the first and most apparent problem I have is the use of the “sudo” account. The sudo account is the Ubunutu equivalent of...

“Colorize Black and White Photos”

By on Dec 12, 2005 in Blog Posts, Software | 4 comments

Recolored is a very functional application which allows you to easily color photos which previously had none! Check it out: http://www.recolored.com/

Operating Systems Currently in Use

By on Oct 21, 2005 in Blog Posts, Software | 0 comments

His is a quick list of OS’ I currently have installed on various machines:-Windows XP Home Pro-openSUSE 10.0-PCLinuxOS .91My favorite is PCLinuxOS. It’s easy to install, easy to use, and works most often. Unfortunately it didn’t work with my Dell Inspiron 9300 notebook – for that I have installed openSUSE. Although I still haven’t gotten the wireless working on it (openSUSE) it appears to be working well otherwise. I’ll post again if I get that working.