
Windows 8 Requires Windows Firewall to be enabled to install apps?!

By on Nov 13, 2012 in Blog Posts, Software | 1 comment

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One of the first things I do to any new Windows desktop PC is disable the Windows Defender and Windows Firewall services completely. I use a real AV solution so I don’t need Defender, and I have a high quality hardware firewall in place so I don’t need no bobo Windows Firewall.

Well, much to my surprise Windows 8 gives you a little extra encouragement to leave the native firewall enabled; you can’t install certain apps from the Windows Store unless it is.

Today I was trying to install the Slacker Radio app and got error code 0x80073d0a “App couldn’t be installed…” That’s just great, I thought. So I went a Googling and found this. I re-enabled the Windows Firewall and the installation went through normally.

I guess I’m just going to have to leave the damned thing enabled, even though it irks me. Furthermore, the Windows 8 Skype App is horrid. It takes forever to get to the contact you want, and you can’t even alt-tab out of it if you’re on a call or it will mute it completely. Get it together, Microsoft.