
SNL Heats Back Up After Three Disappointing Episodes

By on Oct 21, 2012 in Blog Posts | 0 comments

The first episode of the season, hosted by Seth MacFarlane, gave me some hope that things were finally getting back on track. Then came three lackluster episodes in a row, hosted by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Daniel Craig and Christina Applegate. None of which were terrible, just average at best.Then came last night and Bruno Mars and Tom Hanks. Except for the Brad Pitt bits, which seem like a weak replacement for the Digital Shorts, the rest of the show was firing on all cylinders. The best thing SNL can do is put Bill Hader into as much of the show without overusing him. His Stefon character is pure magic.

Good News: SNL Didn’t Suck Last Week

By on Sep 22, 2012 in Blog Posts | 0 comments

Finally, after years of being subjected to the awful that is Kristen Wiig, Saturday Night Live has put forth a decent episode. There wasn’t a single weak sketch, and Seth MacFarlane was solid throughout, despite throwing in a few too many Family Guy voices.It’s about damned time, too. I really hope they are able to maintain this level of quality throughout the season. I know that I tend to beat up on SNL and especially Kristen Wiig, but I honestly think that her departure is the best thing that could have happened. The entire cast now gets more screen time and they are able to shine.Jay Pharoah is about a thousand times better at playing Barack Obama than Fred Armisen was. He gracefully handed over the role to Pharoah in the cold opening and the country finally got to see a proper Obama.I’m finally looking forward to SNL again.

Kristen Wiig is Ruining the Entire World

By on Oct 24, 2011 in Blog Posts | 0 comments

Since 2003 Kristen Wiig has been ruining America and to a greater extent, the world.This character is not funny.It’s been a fine how-do-you-do over these past six years. With her anniversary as a cast member on Saturday Night Live approaching in November we can all look back and, in hindsight, see that Kristen Wiig has brought more pain and suffering to the world than any single human being has in our entire recorded history.This may initially seem shocking, but the facts don’t lie. Since 2003 when Wiig was first seen on television in The Joe Schmo Show America has been involved in no less than four wars, simultaneously, costing millions of lives and over a trillion dollars. Rather than peace there is further unrest in the Middle East. We’re on the brink of war in Pakistan, and we’ve recently dispatched troops to Uganda. Coincidence?Only two...